This has been a hit with the families in my practice. One group of parents told me that they laminated it and used dry-erase markers with it on a regular basis! In this case, their kids quickly got the hang of it and started using it on their own for a while, then they didn’t need it anymore.
Friendly welcome. Let them know you plan to be friendly and have fun. (Doesn’t have to be words.)
Show around your house if first time.
Offer two ideas for fun things to do. (See starter ideas on back.)
Try a little flexible thinking on activities. (Take turns, mix ideas, try a little?)
If there are any problems, maybe ask yourself ,"What’s the size of the problem?" before you react.
Stay nearby. (Beware of “drift”!)
BUT: If you need a break… 1. Make sure your friend has something to 2. Give your friend a heads-up: I’ll be right back!
What’s your “back pocket plan” in case the playdate isn’t working?
Briefly remind about expected behavior before the playdate.
Give kids time to figure out expected behavior.
Give a tip or reminder in private.
Only 1 or 2 reminders, no repeating.
Be prepared to make some good snacks or help get materials out.
Practice flexible thinking about small messes.
Keep it short.
OUTSIDE: Trampoline - Play Structure/Tree - Chickens Pool - Tennis/Hoops. - Climbing Trees - Hopscotch - Jump Ropes - Chase/Tag - Sidewalk Chalk - Skateboards/ Bikes/ Rollerblades/ Scooters/ Pogo
GAMES: Othello - Life - Chess - Trouble - Mancala - Apples to Apples - Charades
MORE GAMES: Pretend - Sly Fox - Hide & Seek - Sardines - Chase
ARTS & CRAFTS: Clay - Sculpey - Drawing - Painting - Making Cards - Bracelets - Write a Play - Dance Party
FOOD: Making Snacks - Baking - Cooking - Lemonade
DON’T FORGET ABOUT: Boxes/Forts - Potions - Dress-up - Spy - Pretend - Reading Together
BACK POCKET PLANS: Dance Central - Sprinkler/Pool - Walk Dog - Change of Scenery - Snacks
OTHER IDEAS: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________